February's Map of the Month from MTC and ABAG Executive Director Steve Heminger looks at Bay Area jurisdictions subject to — or exempt from — Senate Bill 35 (Wiener, 2017) requirements to streamline the approval process for certain kinds of housing developments.
From the Executive Director's latest report to the MTC Commission and ABAG Executive Board:
A jurisdiction is subject to SB 35’s streamlining requirements if it has not made sufficient progress toward its Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) goals, or if it failed to submit its latest Housing Element Annual Progress Report. Jurisdictions that did not permit enough above-moderate income units to meet a pro-rata share of their above-moderate income regional housing need for the current housing element cycle, are subject to SB 35 streamlining for projects that dedicate a minimum of 10 percent of units to be affordable to lower-income households. Jurisdictions that did not permit sufficient lower income units (very-low and low-income) to meet a pro-rata share of their very-low and low-income regional housing need for the current housing element cycle, are subject to SB 35 streamlining for projects that dedicate a minimum of 50 percent of units to be affordable to lower-income households. Although the determination of RHNA progress applies to the jurisdiction as a whole, certain locations, such as the coastal zone or prime farmland, are excluded from the streamlining requirements (see areas in red on second map).
Please note these maps are preliminary and for summary purposes only. They will be updated as new information is provided by the state, as well as in response to feedback from Bay Area counties, cities and towns.
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