Update: Video recordings of these meetings (excluding MTC Policy Advisory Council Equity and Access Subcommittee) are now available.
- BATA Oversight Committee: Video Recording
- MTC Programming and Allocations Committee: Video Recording
- MTC Administration Committee: Video Recording
- MTC Policy Advisory Council: Video Recording
The Bay Area Toll Oversight Committee, two of MTC’s standing committees and the MTC Policy Advisory Council will meet starting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 13, at the Bay Area Metro Center. Here are links to the full agendas:
- Bay Area Toll Authority Oversight Committee
- Programming and Allocations Committee
- Administration Committee
- Policy Advisory Council Equity & Access Subcommittee
- Policy Advisory Council
- The Bay Area Toll Authority Oversight Committee will review the FY 2018-19 Toll Bridge Operating and Capital Budgets, and, if approved, refer it to the Authority for adoption.
- The Programming and Allocations Committee will seek Commission approval to allocate $339 million in FY 2018-19 Transportation Development Act funds, State Transit Assistance funds, Regional Measure 2 funds, and AB 1107 funds to AC Transit, County Connection, MTC, Transbay Joint Powers Authority, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and WETA to support transit operations and capital projects in the region. They will also seek approval of revisions to the One Bay Area Grant programs to allocate approximately $1.5 million in Climate Initiatives Program funds to two strategies identified in Plan Bay Area 2040: Carsharing and Targeted Transportation Alternatives.
- The Administration Committee will review the MTC FY 2018-19 Agency Budget and, if approved, refer it to the full Commission for adoption. The proposed FY 2018-19 budget is balanced with a $49,000 projected surplus.
- The Policy Advisory Council Equity & Access Subcommittee will review and discuss MTC’s proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation. MTC is required to establish a program as a recipient of federal financial assistance from the Federal Transportation Administration. They will also get an update on MTC’s recent and ongoing DBE/Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Title VI activities.
- MTC’s Policy Advisory Council will get an update on this month’s state primary election results, including Regional Measure 3 and Proposition 69. They will also preview a report on autonomous vehicles, which will be the first Perspective Paper of the Horizon initiative. You can read the preview of the paper, too. Finally, the Policy Advisory Council will preview the proposed shortlist of futures to be analyzed in the Horizon process, which were guided by stakeholder input and technical analysis over the past month.
Tune in live to the meetings on Wednesday from our Live Webcasts page, and bookmark the main Meetings page to keep up with all MTC meetings.
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