Regional Measure 3, a sweeping $4.45 billion package of congestion relief projects, appears headed for a win after a combined majority of Bay Area voters decided to raise tolls on the Bay Area’s seven state-owned toll bridges during yesterday’s election.
MTC has been tracking the election results on the Regional Measure 3 (RM 3) webpage. Here’s a snapshot of where the county-by-county results currently stand:
As of 10:00 a.m., June 11, 2018, the combined results for Regional Measure 3 showed 674,786 votes (55 percent) in favor and 553,237 votes (45 percent) opposed. The measure requires a simple majority to pass. Details by county are shown in the table below. We will update the vote tally as county election officials update the election results posted on their web sites. The votes are expected to be certified during the first week of July.
County |
Yes |
No |
Vote in Favor |
Alameda |
145,018 |
124,517 |
54% |
Contra Costa |
75,305 |
93,707 |
45% |
Marin |
25,304 |
17,781 |
59% |
Napa |
7,194 |
6,657 |
52% |
San Francisco |
138,204 |
73,554 |
65% |
San Mateo |
42,610 |
36,458 |
54% |
Santa Clara |
182,856 |
115,196 |
61% |
Solano |
23,231 |
54,109 |
30% |
Sonoma |
35,064 |
31,348 |
53% |
Regionwide Total |
674,786 |
553,237 |
55% |
Source: Election office web site for the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma and the City and County of San Francisco.
Tolls will now be raised by a total of $3 over the next seven years to finance a suite of transit, highway and bike/pedestrian improvements across the region, as can be seen in the below map.
Major projects in the RM 3 expenditure plan include new BART cars to accommodate growing ridership; extending BART’s Silicon Valley service to Santa Clara; extending Caltrain to downtown San Francisco; expanding S.F. Muni’s transit vehicle fleet; more frequent transbay bus service; interchange improvements in Alameda, Contra Costa and Solano counties; an expanded express lane network; expanded ferry service; a direct freeway connector from northbound U.S. 101 in Marin County to the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge; upgrades to relieve congestion in the Dumbarton Bridge corridor; improving State Route 37; extending the new SMART rail system to Windsor and Healdsburg and much more.
A map of the Ferry Expansion Program is also available, as well as a map of potential or planned Express Lanes eligible for RM 3 funding.
The full expenditure plan is detailed below, specifying how much funding will be directed towards specific projects.
For more information, visit the Regional Measure 3 webpage.
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