The Bay Area Toll Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are scheduled to meet starting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 28, at the Bay Area Metro Center in San Francisco.
The BATA meeting will be brief, with a Chair’s Report and approval of a consent calendar. View the agenda here.
The MTC meeting (full agenda) will consist of three committee presentations. First, the Legislation Committee will consider offering support for Proposition 69, formally known as ACA 5, which would provide long-term revenue from recently enacted fuel taxes and vehicle fees to reinvest in California’s aging local roads and state highways. Download the handout here.
The Planning Committee will then consider adoption of MTC’s Draft Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (handout) and MTC’s Goods Movement Investment Strategy, which includes highway, rail, and community protection investments (handout).
Finally, the Programming and Allocations Committee will consider approval of the Bay Area Preservation Pilot (BAPP) Fund, a $10 million revolving loan fund to acquire and protect homes currently affordable to low-income residents that are available on the market (handout); and the $792 million FY2018-19 fund estimate (handout) plus a proposed new distribution policy for State Transit Assistance population-based funds administered by MTC, which has been augmented with new funding through Senate Bill 1 (handout).
Tune in to the meetings live once they are underway here.
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