April’s monthly Metropolitan Transportation Commission meeting was held on Wednesday, April 25.
Via the Administration Committee (Chair Federal Glover), the Commission approved the FY 2018-19 Overall Work Program, Planning Certification, and Authorization for Execution of Agreements for Federal and State Planning Grants. These documents guide the collaborative metropolitan transportation planning process involving MTC, ABAG, Caltrans and local partners and authorize MTC to enter into agreements for transportation planning funds.
Via the Legislation Committee (Chair Alicia Aguirre), the Commission voted to:
- Oppose Senate Bill 957 (Lara): High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes- Clean Air Vehicle Access for Low-Income Registered Owners Clean Air Vehicle Decal Program: Exception from time limit
- Support and seek amendments to Senate Bill 1014 (Skinner): Transportation Network Companies and Electric Vehicles
- Support and seek amendments to Senate Bill 1119 (Newman): Low Carbon Transit Operations Program
Via the Planning Committee (Chair Jim Spering), the Commission approved $9.8 million in Priority Development Area (PDA) planning, staffing and technical assistance grants and PDA implementation.
Via the Programming and Allocations Committee (Chair Nick Josefowitz), the Commission approved a revision to the Cycle 1 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (STP/CMAQ) program. This will allocate $15 million for the Doyle Drive/Presidio Parkway landscaping project in San Francisco. The Commission also approved a revision to the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG 2) program and implementation of a funding exchange agreement with the Sonoma County Transportation Authority for the Marin-Sonoma Narrows project. Finally, the Commission also approved adoption of the 2019 Regional Active Transportation Program Cycle 4 Guidelines, which will provide about $37 million to bike and pedestrian projects through 2023.
Download the attachments for all these items on the 4/25 MTC meeting agenda or watch the video recording of the meeting.
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