Five meetings are scheduled for this Wednesday, February 14, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Bay Area Metro Center.
The morning will begin with brief meetings of the Bay Area Toll Authority Oversight Committee (download the agenda) and the MTC Administration Committee (download the agenda).
Next, the MTC Programming and Allocations Committee will discuss:
- The Bay Area Preservation Pilot (BAPP) Fund, a $10 million revolving loan fund to acquire and protect homes currently affordable to low-income residents that are available on the market (handout).
- The $792 million FY2018-19 fund estimate (handout) and a proposed new policy for State Transit Assistance population-based funds administered by MTC, which have been augmented with new funding through Senate Bill 1 (handout).
- An update on the Regional Measure 2 Operating Program for FY2016-17, including assessment of routes not meeting performance requirements (handout).
- An update on recent meetings of the California Transportation Commission (handout).
Download the full Programming and Allocations Committee meeting agenda here.
The MTC Policy Advisory Council Equity & Access Subcommittee will discuss:
- An overview of the upcoming 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Investment Analysis, including the purpose, timeline, and approaches used in previous analyses. Feedback from the subcommittee will be used to inform the approach and methodology for the 2019 TIP Investment Analysis (handout).
- The Regional Means-Based Fare Proposal Update. MTC initiated this study in 2015 to develop and analyze scenarios for funding and implementing a regional means-based transit fare program(s) in the nine-county Bay Area. The study has been completed; next steps will be discussed (handout).
- Nominations for the 2018-19 Chair and Vice Chair of the Policy Advisory Council Equity & Access Subcommittee. Nominations will open at this meeting and remain open until the election, scheduled for the March 14, 2018 meeting. The term will be through December 2019 (handout).
Download the full subcommittee agenda here.
Finally, the MTC Policy Advisory Council will:
- Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair.
- Receive information on the MTC/ABAG Integrated Planning Section (handout), the Futures project (handout), and MTC’s Public Participation Plan (handout).
Download the full Policy Advisory Council agenda here.
Find agendas for all upcoming meetings here, and tune in live once the meetings are underway here.
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