Pete Buttigieg was confirmed as U.S. Secretary of Transportation this week. His hallmark transportation initiative while mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was a "Smart Streets" project.
By slowing speeds and encouraging pedestrian safety, the downtown became more foot friendly, inspiring new restaurants, housing and hotels, helping the area thrive.
MTC's Complete Streets program dates back 15 years and aims to do much of what Buttigieg had in mind.
In 2006, MTC adopted Resolution 3765 – a policy known as Complete Streets – to ensure that all projects funded with regional funds consider the accommodation of pedestrians, cyclists, public transit users and drivers as part of project planning, design, funding and construction.
The Complete Streets Checklist, established through this resolution, works in conjunction with One Bay Area Grants (OBAG) and the Active Transportation Program (ATP) to utilize funding to support MTC’s regional transportation priorities, which include improvements for people on two feet and two wheels and Safe Routes to School projects.
The pandemic has led to a slow streets movement, also supported by MTC.
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