California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) Transportation Secretary Toks Omishakin has appointed MTC’s Chief Deputy Executive Director Alix Bockelman to the state’s Transit Transformation Task Force, which will be charged with developing policy recommendations to grow transit ridership, improve the transit experience for riders and address long-term operational funding needs throughout California.
The 25-member task force represents state government, local agencies, academic institutions and advocacy organizations. Bockelman — who was appointed last week — will be joined by other Bay Area representatives, including the executive directors of Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA/Tri Delta Transit), Napa Valley Transportation (NVTA/Vine Transit), the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) and the San Francisco Bay Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA/SF Bay Ferry), as well as policy directors from Seamless Bay Area, SPUR and the Bay Area Council. Review the complete roster of task force appointees in the CalSTA news release.
Established by Senate Bill 125 and signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in the transit recovery package as part of the 2023-24 state budget, the task force will kick off with a virtual meeting on Dec. 19 and then will meet in person every two months beginning in February 2024. Agendas, meeting materials and other task force information will be available on the CalSTA website's Senate Bill 125 Transit Program page.
CalSTA will prepare a report of findings and policy recommendations based on the task force’s efforts and submit it to the Legislature by October 2025.
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