Would you like to help MTC improve how we provide information and hear public input on transportation projects and programs? Would you like better connections with the agency that plans for the future of the Bay Area's road, highway and transit networks? If so, please share your thoughts about how we can best reach you for comments and ideas by completing a brief survey (takes about three minutes).
The survey closes on February 21, 2018 and is being conducted in Spanish and Chinese as well as English.
Project Background
MTC plans for and funds transportation programs and projects for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. State and federal laws require MTC and other metropolitan planning organizations to adopt participation plans to give more people opportunities to be involved in the transportation planning process.
We want to hear from Bay Area residents on how you would prioritize public investments and planning so we can make better and more informed decisions. Learn more about our public engagement work in MTC’s Public Participation Plan (PPP) or read more about the survey process for this PPP.
MTC will update its PPP later this year. Your survey comments will help us improve on our public outreach and engagement.
If you'd like to receive ongoing information on MTC’s projects and programs, please click here. Thank you for your time!
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