
MTC develops policy guides to help jurisdictions cut vehicle miles

Traffic on 19th Avenue, San Francisco
Mark Prado

MTC this year completed development of a set of guides to help local jurisdictions advance plans and policies that will support the reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). 

Reducing VMT cuts greenhouse emissions and reduces air pollution, while also encouraging thoughtful development with better connections to jobs, schools, and commercial centers. 

With help from a $539,534 grant from Caltrans, MTC and a consultant team developed toolkits providing step-by-step guides, templates, examples, and other resources specifically for the development of a Parking and Transportation Demand Management (PTDM) Policy, a VMT Fee, a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) or Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP) , and a Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Action Plan

These policies help cities and counties minimize the amount of vehicle travel in their Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and other growth areas. The guidance for the four policies can be accessed on each policy page or through the Connected Community PDA technical assistance page. 

The MTC consultant team that assembled the toolkits also worked directly with the cities of Richmond and Vallejo to develop plans and policies.

For any questions, contact James Choe,

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