The annual installation of a festive holiday wreath above the Bay Bridge’s westbound Yerba Buena Island Tunnel portal greeted drivers over the weekend.
This marks the 14th consecutive year the Bay Area Toll Authority and Caltrans have teamed up to extend holiday season greetings to travelers on the region’s busiest transbay crossing.
The 13-foot, 300-pound, eight-inch wreath features a steel frame with artificial foliage, ornaments and ribbon. Permanent anchors for the wreath were installed above the portal in 2011, enabling BATA and Caltrans to re-use the same piece each year. The wreath will remain in place until after the New Year, when crews will remove the decoration and place it in storage for use next holiday season.
BATA, which is directed by the same policy board as MTC, administers toll revenues from the region's seven state-owned toll bridges. MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.
Caltrans owns, operates and maintains the state highway system, including the Bay Area’s state-owned toll bridges.
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