MTC has released the Draft 2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This list of more than 300 Bay Area transportation projects reflects approximately $11.8 billion in committed federal, state and local funding for the four-year period through 2028.
The TIP includes multiple funding sources (called “programs”) that support different types of transportation projects. These programs—and the projects they fund—all work together to help advance the vision of Plan Bay Area 2050, the Bay Area’s long-range plan for transportation, housing, economic development, and environmental resilience.
The TIP is the Bay Area’s comprehensive four-year spending plan that lists all transportation projects and programs that are federally funded, projects for which any action by a federal agency is expected; and other major regional projects. Investments in the TIP support a wide range of transportation modes, such as transit, highways, bridges, local streets and roads, bicycling, walking and freight movement. Transit and bicycling/walking projects lead the investment priorities of the Draft 2025 TIP in terms of total dollars invested and total number of projects, respectively.
The TIP is financially constrained by year, meaning that the amount of dollars committed to the projects must not exceed the amount of dollars estimated to be available. MTC must adopt a new TIP at least once every four years, and the TIP must also be approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration.
In conjunction with the release of the Draft 2025 TIP, MTC also released the Draft Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2025 TIP, which ensures that both the Draft 2025 TIP and Plan Bay Area 2050 conform to the federal air quality requirements. Conformity means that the transportation activities will not cause new air quality violations, worsen existing violations, or delay timely attainment of the relevant national ambient air quality standards.
MTC encourages public comment on the Draft TIP and the Draft Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis. The review and comment period will close on Friday, July 26, 2024, at 5 p.m. To help facilitate this process, these documents will be presented at a public meeting to be held both in-person and virtually via Zoom. This presentation is scheduled to take place during MTC’s Programming and Allocations Committee meeting on July 10, 2024, at 9:45 a.m., or immediately following MTC’s Administration Committee meeting, whichever occurs later.
Additionally, written comments may be submitted via the comment form on the Draft 2025 TIP website; by mail to MTC’s Public Information Office, c/o Draft 2025 TIP, 375 Beale Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94105; or via e-mail to (include “Draft 2025 TIP Comments” in the subject line). Written comments are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 26, 2024. For more information, call MTC’s Public Information Office at (415) 778-6757. At its September 11, 2024 meeting, MTC’s Programming and Allocations Committee is scheduled to consider public comments received. Approval of final documents is expected on September 25, 2024, at the Commission meeting. MTC will then transmit the adopted 2025 TIP to Caltrans and U.S. DOT, with final federal approval slated for December 2024.
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