
SMART offers free rides to seniors and youth into 2025

Smart train
Mark Prado

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) is offering free fare for youth and seniors through June 30, 2025, aiming to increase use of public transit for these age groups, fostering environmental sustainability and enhancing mobility in the region.

Under the program, youth (ages 0-18) and seniors (ages 65+), may board any SMART train, any day of the week and ride for free. Youth and seniors are not required to have a Clipper card or to use the SMART eTickets app. Train Conductors will check fares as usual; seniors and youth may be asked for proof of age (State ID, license, or Student ID). If a Clipper Card is used the fare charged will be $0 (zero)

SMART's free fare initiative aims to provide economic and recreational opportunities to this underserved demographic while cultivating habits of utilizing sustainable transportation options. 

Beyond the benefit of getting to experience world-class educational and entertainment opportunities, taking public transportation is in itself a learning experience and allows youth and seniors a greater sense of independence. In addition to reducing individual vehicle emissions, passenger rail fosters eco-friendly cities, alleviating traffic congestion and reducing the necessity for expansive road networks.

Youth and seniors can take SMART to their favorite destinations, including parks, amusement centers, summer jobs, movie theaters, shopping centers, skate parks, libraries, summer camps, and summer classes. Bicycles and scooters are welcomed aboard the SMART train and public transit buses are equipped with bike racks at the front of the bus. SMART is also available for field trips.


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