Preview of 1/10 Meetings: BATA Oversight, Programming and Allocations, etc.

By Julie Teglovic
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza
Karl Nielsen

Several MTC and BATA committees will be meeting this upcoming Wednesday, January 10, at the Bay Area Metro Center, including the MTC Administration Committee, the MTC Programming and Allocations Committee, the BATA Oversight Committee, and the Policy Advisory Council.

Of particular note is the BATA Oversight Committee, which will be voting to place Regional Measure 3 on the ballot for this year’s June 5 statewide election. The measure would raise the toll on the Bay Area’s seven state-owned bridges by $1 in 2019, followed by $1 in 2022, and another $1 in 2025. The Mercury News covered the topic earlier today and a recent poll shows strong support for the measure. Read more about how the money from the higher tolls would be used here.

Also of note for Wednesday is the Programming and Allocations Committee meeting, which will include:

You can tune in live to the meetings here, and read the full agendas for all five meetings below:

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