
New video highlights San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority

The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is responsible for allocating funds raised by voter-approved Measure AA, the 2016 San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure.

Each year, the Authority has about $25 million in grant funding available for projects that protect and restore San Francisco Bay by: reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins; improving water quality; restoring habitat for fish, birds, and wildlife; protecting communities from floods; and increasing shoreline public access and recreational areas.

Today, the Authority has allocated over $125 million in grants to shoreline restoration projects around the Bay and leveraged an additional $175 million. It will allocate another $375 million in Measure AA funding over the next 15 years. Most Measure AA funds are awarded through annual competitive grant rounds. 

The Restoration Authority is staffed by the State Coastal Conservancy and the Association of Bay Area Governments, including the San Francisco Estuary Partnership, under a Joint Powers Agreement. 

To learn more, visit www.sfbayrestore.org.

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