
New report says sea-level rise could be more severe than previously thought

By Mark Prado
Sea-level rise
Mark Prado

Sea-level rise could be worse than originally projected, according to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study factors in melting ice sheets, the result is nearly twice the expected rise in seas from 3 to 6 feet or higher by 2100.

"The potential contributions of ice sheets remain the largest source of uncertainty in projecting future" sea-level rise, the report reads.

Temperatures and other factors are taken into account as well. Time magazine has an easy to digest summary of the study

Locally, work is being done by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership to address sea-level rise. The Partnership’s overall work is guided by the development and implementation of the Estuary Blueprint, a vision for the estuary’s future.

The partnership’s host entity is the Association of Bay Area Governments, which is staffed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission







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