
MTC's Clipper START program wins California Transportation Foundation award


MTC's Clipper START has been named as the top Sustainable Transportation/Environmental Enhancement Program for 2021 by the California Transportation Foundation.

Clipper START, a means-based transportation discount pilot program, was launched July 15, 2020. The 36-month long program offers a 20% to 50% single-ride fare discount to eligible low-income adults for travel on many of the Bay Area transit agencies' vehicles.

The California Transportation Foundation gave MTC the honor at CTF's awards ceremony last week in Sacramento.

To implement the Clipper START pilot program, MTC committed roughly $17 million from the State Transit Assistance (STA) program, the statewide Low-Carbon Transit Operations Program and CARES Act funds. This partially offsets the loss of fare revenue for transit operators.

MTC has long identified possible transit-affordability barriers for low-income riders.

Visit the Clipper START website for a list of participating transit agencies.


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