MTC is providing millions of dollars in funding toward the Southbound Interstate 680 Express Lane and Pavement Rehabilitation Project, which broke ground last week.
The $328 million project will build a new express lane on I-680 between State Route 84 and Alcosta Boulevard in San Ramon, closing the gap between existing and in-process express lanes to ease the commute for southbound I-680 commuters. The project will also rehabilitate the pavement on this nine-mile stretch of I-680 through Sunol, Pleasanton, Dublin and San Ramon to provide a smoother ride for thousands of motorists.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and its partner, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) are heading up the project, with the MTC providing critical funding: $80 million in Regional Measure 3 funds, another $10 million in Senate Bill 1 dollars, and $10 million in in State Transportation Improvement Program money provided to the Alameda CTC.
“We are grateful to our project and funding partners at Caltrans, the California Transportation Commission and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for their support,” said Alameda CTC Executive Director Tess Lengyel.
Work on this project is expected to complete in 2026. For more information on the project, visit: https://www.alamedactc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/1490001_I680_EL_S….
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