
MTC, ABAG members help shape new regional "Big Moves" policy addressing homelessness

Homeless encampment
Grendelkhan via Wikimedia Commons

All Home — the Bay Area group addressing homelessness —  this week released Big Moves for Housing and Economic Security, a series of proposals designed to increase housing and economic security for people with extremely low incomes in the Bay Area. 

The Big Moves for Housing and Economic Security policy agenda aims to: 

  • Increase housing supply by meeting the Bay Area’s regional targets for 57,000 extremely low-income housing units. 
  • Build a dignified and effective social safety net that recognizes housing as a basic human need. 
  • Design a regional workforce development system to serve people overcoming barriers to employment. 
  • Boost economic and housing security by giving direct financial assistance to the people who need it most.
  • Inspire the Bay Area to value and include people with extremely low incomes as vital members of our communities.

The report includes support for passing a regional bond to fully fund the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA), as well as the Bay Area meeting its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) targets, resulting in the 57,000 affordable units by 2031 for people with extremely low income.

The process included gathering ideas from Regional Impact Council members and a wide range of stakeholders, vetting and researching those ideas, then pressure-testing and refining them to come up with the policy agenda. 

Several MTC Commissioners, ABAG Board members and staff participated in the three-year process as part of All Home’s Regional Impact Council Steering Committee.

Steering Committee members included MTC Executive Director Therese McMillan, ABAG President Jesse Arreguin, Vice President Belia Ramos and ABAG Executive Board member Candace Andersen, along with MTC Commissioners Jim Spering, Libby Schaaf, Sam Liccardo and Cindy Chavez. Former MTC Commissioners Jake Mackenzie, Warren Slocum and state Sen. Scott Wiener also participated.

The new All Home report builds on a regional action plan released last year.

All Home advances regional solutions that disrupt the cycles of poverty and homelessness, redress racial disparities, and creates more economic mobility opportunities for people with extremely low incomes.

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