
Government, organizations: take survey on climate change technical assistance

Highway 37
Karl Nielsen

The Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) is working with its partner agencies and with a wide range of stakeholders to develop effective Regional Climate Adaptation Technical Assistance that supports successful climate adaptation planning, programs, and project implementation in communities across the region.

To inform this effort and future conversations, please take 10-15 minutes to fill out a Technical Assistance (TA) Survey by Friday, March 17 (whether you are a TA provider, user, or entity in need.) Feel free to forward it to appropriate email networks. Your feedback can help provide a better understanding of the current practice of technical assistance from multiple perspectives.

BARC is exploring the development of a Regional Multi-Hazard Adaptation Plan (RHMAP) to serve as a framework for how regional agencies can help the Bay Area adapt to long-term climate change hazards, including extreme heat, drought, wildfire, flooding, and sea level rise.  A regional climate adaptation technical assistance program would be an important component of supporting adaptation planning and project implementation in communities across the Bay Area.


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