The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) has launched a redesigned website offering a cohesive and vast array of energy efficiency resources for residents, property and business owners, local government staff, real estate professionals, building contractors and more.
The new website — launched Dec. 7 — is available in English, Spanish and traditional Chinese. It features a user-centered interface that makes it easy to find several key offerings of the portfolio. Each page intentionally focuses on a content strategy that emphasizes an immediate connection to users through:
- Rebates and financing for homeowners, multifamily property owners, as well as small and medium businesses.
- Tips for understanding how a home’s building materials work together, and what you can do to save money, energy and the environment.
- Resources for local governments to understand and adopt reach codes, improve code compliance and receive free technical assistance for designing zero net energy municipal buildings.
- Partnership opportunities for contractors, real estate professionals, community-based organizations and municipal water utilities.
Free events and training opportunities are now prominently displayed so visitors can take full advantage of all what BayREN has to offer – even from years’ past. The website uses several similar design inspirations from the Association of Bay Area Governments website, resulting in an experience that feels familiar but maintains a separate branding identity.
BayREN — administered by ABAG — offers regional energy programs, services and resources that promote energy savings. BayREN has a unique program structure: it is a collaboration of the nine Bay Area Counties, with one member agency representing each county.
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