Communities across California are celebrating California Clean Air Day on Wednesday, Oct. 2 2024.
Do your part for cleaner air in the Bay Area: Take public transit or carpool instead of driving alone. On October 2, WestCAT, Wheels, and County Connection will waive all bus fees for the day, encouraging you to take public transit for a breathable future.
Consider taking the Clean Air Pledge to make short- and long-term changes to support better air quality in your community.
Use Clean Air Day as an excuse to try walking or biking (check out Bay Wheels bike share if you don’t have your own bike), or attend meetings virtually instead of driving to in-person meetings.
Consider changes at home that can have positive impacts throughout the year:
- Take transit and save money on your rides with MTC’s Commuter Benefits Program or the Clipper® START℠ program for people with low incomes
- The Air District’s Clean Cars for All program helps residents of communities with poor air quality upgrade their personal vehicles for ones that are better for the air.
- Consider making energy-efficient investments in your home. ABAG’s Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)has rebates, toolkits and other programs for homeowners, and tips for renters, too.
Bookmark SpareTheAir.org to see when the Bay Area’s air quality is expected to be poor, and to learn what you steps you can take to contribute to healthier air for everyone.
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