Love our daily news headlines but craving some deeper knowledge? Settle in for some in-depth reading on the important issues affecting our region. This month we highlight some publications that contextualize and illuminate the regional housing crisis, including this thorough literature review from CASA and a handy summary of the significant housing bills passed in California in 2017.
Other topics included in this month’s reading list include Regional Measure 3, local Bay Area transportation projects, transit ridership, automated vehicles, and climate change.
- Job Growth, Housing Affordability, and Commuting in the Bay Area
- Report prepared for the Bay Area Regional Prosperity Plan Housing Working Group
- Summary of Significant Housing Bills Passed by California Legislature in 2017
- By ABAG and MTC
- Literature Review: Housing-focused Publications in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Prepared for CASA, the Committee to House the Bay Area
- The Effects of Rent Control Expansion on Tenants, Landlords, and Inequality: Evidence from San Francisco
- Conference paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research
- Homelessness in the Bay Area: Solving the problem of homelessness is arguably our region's greatest challenge
- Magazine article from September 2017 issue of The Urbanist, by SPUR
- The Link between Local Comprehensive Plans and Housing Affordability: A Comparative Study of the Atlanta and Detroit Metropolitan Areas
- Scholarly article from Journal of the American Planning Association
RM 3
- Frequently Asked Questions: Regional Measure 3 / Senate Bill 595
- By MTC
- Senate Bill 595 (Beall) Final RM 3 Expenditure Plan
- By MTC
Local Transportation Projects
- Solano Transportation Authority: I-80 Corridor Project Analyses 2017
- Report from Solano Transportation Authority
- Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Study: Final Report
- From San Mateo County Transit District
Transit Ridership
- In Portland, Economic Displacement May Be a driver of Transit Ridership Loss
- Article from TransitCenter
- TransitCenter Ridership Initiative
- Interactive visual tool from TransitCenter
- Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan: Draft
- Draft plan from MTC
Automated Vehicles
- Automated Driving Systems 2.0: A Vision for Safety
- Report from NHTSA
- Will Automated Vehicles Negatively Impact Traffic Flow?
- Research article from Journal of Advanced Transportation
- Islands of Autonomy: How Autonomous Vehicles Will Emerge in Cities around the World
- Report from KPMG
- Heavy-duty Innovation: Energy, Automation, and Technology in the Trucking Sector
- Report from Securing America’s Future Energy
- Climate Change: Information on Potential Economic Effects Could Help Guide Federal Efforts to Reduce Fiscal Exposure
- Report from U.S. Government Accountability Office
- Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment: Volume I
- Report from U.S. Global Change Research Program
- Cap-and-trade Extension: Issues for Legislative Oversight
- Report from U.S. Legislative Analyst’s Office
Other – Race, Disaster Recovery, E-bikes
- Race Counts: Advancing Opportunities for all Californians
- Report form Race Counts
- Usage Patterns of Electric Bicycles: An Analysis of the WeBike Project
- Research article from Journal of Advanced Transportation
- After Great Disasters: How Six Countries Managed Community Recovery
- Policy focus report from Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
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