Public Participation

Bay Area Youth To Play Role In Region's Planning Process

By Mark Prado
Youth in planning
Kingmond Young

Youth from all nine Bay Area counties will play a role in the Horizon planning process over the next three years.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments have developed Horizon to explore issues and challenges Bay Area residents face through 2050.

MTC and ABAG are now getting youth involved in that process. The agencies will work with UC Berkeley's Y-Plan and area elementary and high school students to get input on the larger Horizon planning process. There will be a focus on low-income students and communities of color.

In-class, semester-long projects will focus on the future of schools, analyzing schools through the lens of Horizon’s four core topic areas: transportation (access), housing (teacher housing), economic development (location of schools) and resilience topics (earthquakes and wildfires.) 

A regional summit in April 2019 at UC Berkeley will bring together Y-PLAN student scholars and teams to present their visions and recommendations. In addition, each school will produce a report with findings and analysis.


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