Public Participation

Bay Area speaks about future at Pop-Up events

By Mark Prado
Plan Bay Area 2050
Noah Berger

Better public transit, more affordable housing and new routes for safe biking and walking were recurring themes discussed by the public at ABAG and MTC  “pop-up” workshops.

The effort was part of Plan Bay Area 2050. Plan Bay Area 2050 is a 30-year roadmap, charting a course for how the nine-county region will grow and how it can support this growth with new infrastructure.

Over the course of six weeks through mid-November, 37 pop-ups throughout the Bay Area were held. Of those, 29 served Communities of Concern. More than 3,000 comments were received at these events. The most popular strategies among the public include:

Modernizing Public Transit. Participants are interested in improving connections between transit agencies and to other modes; would like transit to be more reliable and have more frequent service; would like to see service expanded; and would like rail to be electrified.

Building Affordable Housing. Participants would like housing built for working class families so they can work near where they live; they are concerned about the Bay Area’s homeless population; and they want housing near high quality schools.

Additional Biking and Walking. Participants want a safer bike and pedestrian network; they want to expand biking infrastructure; and they highlight the connection between biking and walking to personal and environmental health.

All comments from the pop-up events are posted on the Plan Bay Area 2050 website.

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