The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is recruiting elected officials of regional park districts or open space districts that touch the Bay to serve on the Governing Board of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA).
The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is a regional government entity whose mission is to raise and allocate funds for the restoration, enhancement, protection and enjoyment of wetlands and wildlife in the Bay and along its shoreline. ABAG appoints seven members to the Board.
These seats will become vacant and will be filled following an application process: Chair; North Bay; East Bay; South Bay; West Bay; Bayside City or County; Regional Park District, Regional Open Space District, or Regional Park and Open Space District. Applicants can be considered for multiple positions, if eligible.
Applicants must submit a letter of interest by Wednesday, Nov. 27. For seats that are vacated in early 2025, board members serve from Feb. 1, 2025 through Jan. 31, 2029. For seats not vacated until March 31, 2025, terms are April 1, 2025 through Jan. 31, 2029.
Interested applicants should have:
- A demonstrated interest in the restoration and conservation of the San Francisco Bay;
- A willingness to make funding decisions that are in the best interest of the Bay Area region as a whole;
- An ability to work collegially with elected officials from outside their own jurisdiction; and
- The time and interest to be an active member of the Governing Board who can regularly attend board meetings as well as take on occasional tasks requiring work between board meetings.
Letters of interest are accepted in writing addressed to ABAG President Belia Ramos, Association of Bay Area Governments, 375 Beale Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, California 94105. Letters can also be emailed as an attachment to Fred Castro, Clerk of the Board, at fcastro@bayareametro.gov.
Applicants must include a statement about your interest in serving on the Governing Board, a description of your experience with wetlands restoration, and your experience working at a regional level or other related collaborative efforts. Following a review, individuals may be invited to interview with a selection panel and/or the ABAG President.
For information, contact Karen McDowell, San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority/San Francisco Estuary Partnership at (415) 778-6685.
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