
Metro Talks: Three Perspectives on Resilience

By Chirag Rabari

This past fall’s special edition of Metro Talks – a speaker series hosted by the Bay Area’s four regional agencies at the Bay Area Metro Center – featured three design experts participating in the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge. The speakers included Henk Ovink, the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of Netherlands, Rupal Sanghvi, Founder of HealthxDesign, and Cathy Simon, Fellow, American Institute of Architects.  

In the above video, the speakers share their unique professional and personal perspectives on what resilience means and why it matters, including how research and design can help make the Bay Area more resilient to the impacts of climate change including sea level rise and flooding. As leaders in integrating the disciplines of public health, architectural design, ecology, social equity and public sector ingenuity, they shared insights for how the Bay Area can navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead in local and regional resilience building.

About Metro Talks

Metro Talks is a speaker series hosted by the Bay Area’s four regional agencies at the Bay Area Metro Center. The series brings together prominent leaders and experts to discuss issues of regional significance like housing, community development, climate change, the economy, technology and innovation, and transportation. Metro Talks invites Bay Area residents to mingle over refreshments and light appetizers and connect with neighbors, regional agency staff‑ and leadership and other interested parties in the beautiful atrium of the Bay Area Metro Center.

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